Get Your Feet Wet...

Welcome to my blog! Please take a couple minutes to watch this video from National Geographic on Why the Ocean Matters. You might be surprised with what you learn.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

  1. I want to will ride the bus to and from school 3 days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) each week.  
  2. This lifestyle change is eco-chic because by using public transportation I will cut back my gas consumption and emissions.  On the South Wisconsin Transit System Website, I found that "Public transportation reduces the nation’s carbon emissions by 37 million metric tons annually. Thirty-seven million metric tons of carbon emissions is equivalent to the electricity used by 4.9 million households."  I think that is pretty neat!  
  3. This goal is really important to me because it is something that I have access to and it is free to me, yet I was not doing it.  How crazy is that?!?!  The DTA bus comes right by my apartment and drops off at UMD with plenty of time to spare.  Before this class, I had never even considered riding the bus.  I just thought, why would I when I have a car?  Well now I see all of the environmental benefits as well as the personal ones.  Clearly I can reduce my carbon footprint by using public transportation.  BUT, if I wanted to think of it selfishly, there are some pretty great perks.  First, it is FREE to students so it doesn't cost a thing.  Filling up my tank is usually between $40-$50 for me and that just stinks.  Another great bonus to riding the bus is that I don't have to warm up my car or scrape my windshield every cold, Duluth morning.  (That is reason enough for the change!).  
 I started this change this morning and rode the bus to school.  In some weird way I felt great knowing that I was doing myself and the environment a HUGE favor.  I think that 3 days will be realistic for me to start off, but I am hoping to increase that as the semester goes on.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain.


  1. Kristen, great goal! That's a crazy stat that 37 million metric tons is equivalent to 4.9 million households electrical output. I actually thought about taking the bus as well for my smart goal but I live out in Spirit Valley and would be worried that I didn't make it to class on time. It's an awesome goal though because it's FREE and you're not only helping reduce our carbon footprint, you're also saving a ton of money on gas (YAY). Awesome post.

  2. This is a great SMART goal. I spend so much money on gas when I have to drive to and from school when I could easily ride the bus...for FREE. It picks you up, drops you off, and does not cost you money, it saves you money! I think the main reason I like driving to school is because sometimes classes get out early or cancelled or I have to go straight to work but I think I could manage taking the bus at least once a week.

  3. Awesome goal Kristen! The DTA really is a great service that is offered to us students. I personally have never used the bus system, mostly because I live 3 blocks from campus, but I heard it's not that bad! I look forward to hearing how this goal works out for you!

  4. Hehe, I like the word crossing out ;) Free rides to and from school are the best! PLUS you don't have to worry about your car starting, shoveling it out of 3 feet of snow, or scraping it off! Nice SMART goal, good luck!

  5. You may have just inspired me to ride the bus to school! I'm so terrified of public transportation but I really want to take the bus for so many reasons (more for the reasons Carly listed)! Plus knowing that my personal choices impact the enviroment in a big way may have been enough for me to tackle my fear!
