Get Your Feet Wet...

Welcome to my blog! Please take a couple minutes to watch this video from National Geographic on Why the Ocean Matters. You might be surprised with what you learn.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Share and Voice: 30 Days 30 Ways

In most of my posts, be they assignments or share and voices, I have pledged to do something "green."  Usually, I give the disclaimer that I will take action in small steps.  Most of you have agreed with me that change needs to be feasible and is something that takes time.  So, I set out on a quest to find out how to make those small changes, while adding up to a greater cause. 

I found a website entitled 30 Ways in 30 Days which gives us exactly that.  The main purpose is to show individuals such as ourselves that we have the power.  No, we cannot save the world with our wishes or the snap of our fingers.  BUT we can take action each day.  It is important for me to not be overwhelmed when jumping into something new.  This site provides the opportunity for you to tweak one thing each day to live in a more sustainable way. 

Day 1 is to evaluate your life...all eyes on you.  There are days inbetween that include simple steps that you can focus on and incoporate into your life.  It ends with Day 30 which is to talk it proactively.  The message in the final day is that it really isn't the final day.  Once you have taken the challenge and gone through the transformation process, you have the decision to make.  Will I continue to live this way? 

Check out the 30 Days 30 Ways page and tell me what you think.  Is it something you could incorporate in your life?


  1. This is a really neat site with such simple ideas. I think I'll give it a try too. Thanks!

  2. This site is great, it is a very encouraging way to make significant changes in your life!!

  3. Great find!I love how it breaks it down into 30 days, which is a good amount of time to incorporate small changes.

  4. I'm seriously impressed by this site. How did you stumble upon this? I'm definitely going to try it out and see how it helps me make the changes I've been meaning to make. Today's the 1st so what better day to start than today!

  5. What a great website! I've been looking for something like this and you've found it! I'm excited to read more about it, thanks Kristen!
