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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

For this week's eye opener, I decided to check out my Secret Clinical Strength Antiperspirant that I have been loyal to for years.  I went to the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety page and sure enough, the product showed up.

My Results
My deodorant scored a 5 on a scale of 0-10.  This means that it is a moderate hazard.  I was surprised to see how many concerns were linked to the product and its ingredients.  Click here to see the full breakdown.

I was also shocked that, according to the website, that 78% of antiperspirants/deodorants would actually score lower than Secret Clinical Strength.  

I have been loyal to this product for so long, and it is one of my favorites.  That makes it hard for me to want to change.  However, if there are so many other products that have fewer concerns, it might be time for a change.   

Although change is hard, I think it is worth looking into for my own sake.  I really love this website though, because most of the products I use can be found on it.  I have already passed it along to my sister who was shocked at the results of her favorite shampoo.  We both were able to click on different links that showed us which products scored lower that would work better for us.  

I probably won't can my deodorant just yet, especially since all of you have to sit by me in class for 3 hours on Monday.  But, I will actively search for one of the recommended brands to keep my pits dry and smelling fresh all day long!  


  1. I'll be passing this website along to my family as well. I think they'd find it interesting.

  2. Good idea on passing it on to your sister. I think the more people that are aware of their products, the better!

  3. Now that you mention it, I think I will be passing this website along to people I know (especially the people who use lots of products). I agree with you, change can be hard. Even though I know it would be better for me, I would have a lot of trouble parting with some of the products I've used for years. Good luck on your deodorant quest, when the day comes!

  4. I have already passed this site along to my girlfriend and her roommates, and when they looked up a few of the products they use they were almost disgusted. I think we should all continue to pass this on to people we know!

  5. I will for sure be passing it along to my sister. I'm glad too that they have other products to recommend that are less hazardous.

  6. I agree, a great website! I literally searched every single one of my products I use! I realize that so much of the things I thought were healthy and good for me are potentially hazardous! Yikes!
