Get Your Feet Wet...

Welcome to my blog! Please take a couple minutes to watch this video from National Geographic on Why the Ocean Matters. You might be surprised with what you learn.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

My SMART Goal:  I will ride the bus to and from school 4 days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) each week.

I did pretty good this week and was able to meet my goal.  I never missed the bus like I thought I would.  Having the schedule with me as I suggested last week was a great help.  This helped with my patience so that I was able to ride the bus without worrying about the times it was going to be there or if it would leave without me.  A new challenge this week was being able to carry all of my stuff.  I realized that I had a backpack, my purse, and two other bags one day.  Most people don't really like it if you have to take up more than one seat so I did get some dirty looks.  Other than that, I did not run into any more challenges.

I felt great this week.  I had most of the same feelings as last week, happy that I do not have to scrape my car or pay for gas.  As I said earlier, my anxiety went down about missing the bus once I got used to the schedule.

I learned some new things this week from the people on the bus.  I actually started asking the people that I sat by why they rode the bus.  Some people said that they rode the bus for the following reasons:

       - Saves money/gas
       - I don't have a vehicle
       - Convenience
       - It is better for the environment!! 

I thought that all of these reasons were great but I really got excited when people said the last one.  It is great that we have so many college students who are committed to the environment and even more that might not realize the impact they are making for other reasons.

NEXT WEEK...I decided to continue riding the bus, but I am going to change my SMART goal for next week.  I decided to change it to:  I will drink one bottled beverage per week.  This is realistic for me because I tend to buy a lot of bottled drinks, not just water.  I have cut down on bottled water since watching Tapped, but I would like to reduce my consumption of plastic bottles overall.  I am excited to face this new challenge.  Good luck to everyone over THANKSGIVING (woop woop).

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain


  1. That is awesome that you feel like you accomplished your goal of riding the bus. The schedule is one part of the bus that worries me because of time constraints. I never know if it will be earlier or later or if I will have to wait a hour for the next one if my class were to get out early or late. Your next goal is a good one. I never realized how many bottles of water I drank until over Thanksgiving break. A lot of my family had water and pop bottles for people to drink. I did mention to my dad how bad it is for the environment and he should just do tap water.

  2. That's great that you met your goal! Riding the bus for 4 days is definitely something to be proud of. I'm interested to see how you will do with one bottled beverage a week. Good luck!

  3. Kristen, I'm glad that your goal is working out for you so well. The whole schedule aspect is what would worry me as well in deciding to ride the bus on daily basis. I can imagine that saving gas money and not going out into the cold has been very nice for you the past few weeks especially with the weather that we've been having. It's really cool that you polled people as to why they ride the bus and came up with some cool responses especially saving the environment! Keep up the good work and I wish you luck with your new goal.

  4. Good job, Kristen! Look at you being all eco-friendly! It totally warms my heart that college kids are actually interesting in something other than their iPhones and Ugg boots! Keep up the good work!
