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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Share & Voice: UMD Great American Smoke Out

Breathe Free Canvas...Show your support!
This past Thursday, the Great American Smoke Out was held in the Rafters at UMD.  This event was put on by the American Lung Association, UMD Health Services, and the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC).  The theme this year was a break room and we encouraged all students to attend the event.  There were many games, a movie, fun activities, and more for all who attended.  For those students who brought in a pack of cigarettes, they received a free Subway turkey sub for "quitting cold turkey."

We had a great turnout this year and encouraged all students that attended to sign the Breathe Free Canvas to show their support for UMD's smoke free policy.  There were also a few booths set up with some fun activities.  Eta Sigma Gamma (ESG) had a table where students could come and jump rope for one minute.  Once the minute was over, they had to breathe through a straw as they recovered to show the effects of smoking.  SHAC had a table set up where students could come spin the wheel.  All of the colors on the wheel corresponded to frequently asked questions about UMD's breathe free policy.   There was also information about cessation services for those who were considering quitting or are in the process.  

Overall, the event had a great turnout of students including those who smoke and those who do not.  I want to thank everyone from ESG and SHAC who came to help and all of you who signed the canvas.  A HUGE thanks goes out to Kristy Seaver for making it all happen.  

Enjoy a few photos of the event...

Eta Sigma Gamma table
Students showing their support by the canvas.

Signing the canvas

Jump rope activity

Breathing through the straw


  1. This event looks like it was so much fun! I wanted to be there but I had a lot going on with my internship. Thanks for sharing these pictures!

  2. This is such a great event that UMD puts on. I was bummed I was not able to attend this year but I did last year and we did some of the same things. People had a lot of fun with the activity of jumping rope and then having to breathe through a straw. Also, I loved the concept of quitting "cold turkey" with getting a free turkey sub. Very creative! Glad we had a good turnout this year.

  3. This seems like a really great fun way to help promote UMD's Breathe Free Policy. I wish I could have attended, you make it sound like it was a lot of fun! Also, great pictures!

  4. Whoo hoo!! Nice pics from the Smokeout! I really love this is something that UMD and our campus clubs support! I totally commend you for your advocacy work, Kristen. I've seen first hand how much you care and take initiative all while making people feel comfortable. (I'm remembering the smokers outside that you approached and they thanked you:)
    I know it's not always easy.. now I'm remembering the vegetarian that gave up turkey instead of cigarettes, ha!
    Just remember you're doing an awesome job and you're making such a big difference around our campus! Thanks!

  5. Kristen, this is a phenomenal cause and more people need to be aware of the harms of smoking. A lot of my blog has to do with smoking and it's effects on our overall health and I can't say enough on how great this event and events like this are. I commend you for your efforts in trying to keep our campus smoke-free. Awesome job and keep up the great work!
